Bianco Marfil Marble


Bianco Marfil Marble

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹1.00.

Bianco Marfil Marble – The word Bianco means white and originates from the region of Scandinavia and northern Germany. The color of Bianco Marfil is best described as a warm white with beige undertones or a very light beige. It is called Bianco because it is so pale. Bianco Marfil is also composed of white veins that look like foamy ocean waves lapping on a sandy beach.

Product Bianco Marfil
Stone Form Big Slab
Usage/Application Flooring / Countertops / Stairs / Wall / Fireplace / Bathroom
Surface Finish Polished
Thickness 18-20 mm / Customizable
Colour Beige
Shape Rectangular
Brand Akv




Bianco Marfil Marble

The white streaks are another reason why this marble is called Bianco. Bianco Marfil comes from Turkey and has a depth and character that cannot be overlooked. It also has white veins, which make it very suitable for mirror-symmetrical laying. Bianco Marfil’s striking characteristics make it ideal for facades, wall cladding, columns and floors. If you want to add personality to your design, Bianco Marfil is the perfect choice.

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