English Teak Granite


English Teak Granite

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹1.00.

English Teak Granite is a unique and visually appealing natural stone known for its unique color combinations and elegant appearance. These color and pattern combinations make it a versatile and attractive option for interior and exterior design. English Teak Granite is often used for applications such as countertops, flooring, wall coverings, and decoration.

Product English Teak
Stone Form Big Slab
Usage/Application Flooring / Countertops / Stairs / Wall / Fireplace / Bathroom
Surface Finish Polished
Thickness 16-20 mm / Customizable
Colour Brown
Shape Rectangular
Brand Akv




English Teak Granite

Its rich, unique color palette suits a variety of design styles, from traditional to modern, and the stone’s durability and natural beauty make it a popular choice for architects and interior designers looking to add sophistication and timeless elegance to their projects.

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