Flash Blue Granite


Flash Blue Granite

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹1.00.

Flash Blue Granite from India is a slab with a deep blue background with pearl, grey and brown specks. Flash Blue is a type of dark stone that is mined in India. Flash Blue Granite is known for its dynamic, bright blue hue, strength and impact resistance. These stone pieces are characterised by their amazing shine and flawless surface.

Product Flash Blue
Stone Form Big Slab
Usage/Application Flooring / Countertops / Stairs / Wall / Fireplace / Bathroom
Surface Finish Polished
Thickness 16-20 mm / Customizable
Colour Blue
Shape Rectangular
Brand Akv




Flash Blue Granite

It is a highly demanded product among customers due to its beautiful appearance and hardness. The deep blue background is embellished with a series of specks and flecks that give the stone a unique and vibrant character. Flash Blue is popular for a wide range of applications including countertops, flooring, wall coverings and decorative items. It is commonly used in both residential and commercial projects to create a visually appealing and luxurious atmosphere.

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